Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The Goddess Tarot celebrates the spirit of woman throughout time. The essence of woman can be seen and felt within the gentle and flowing images of this deck.

Traditional deck of 78 cards
Cards are a little larger in size than usual tarot cards

Major Arcana
It has some different titles but the meanings of the cards are similar to traditional tarot titles. 
eg. 0 Beginnings (The Fool) I Magic (The Magician) II Wisdom (The High Priestess) Fertility (The Empress) IV Power (The Emperor) etc.
Each card:
- is linked to a mythological goddess
- displays the Roman numeral and title at the top of the card / the related goddess on the
  bottom of the card  

Pip Cards
Each card:
- displays the number at the top of the card / the suit on the bottom
  of the card

Court Cards
- Prince, Princess, King, Queen
- displays the title at the top of the card / suit on the bottom of the card

- Staves - Fire , Cups - Water, Swords – Air , Pentacles – Earth
Each suit:
- is linked with a goddess and themed in the suit
- has colour coded pictorial inner borders

The Goddess Tarot comes with an illustrated instruction booklet which gives detailed descriptions, meanings and reversed meanings for each card and examples of two spreads.

Samples of entries from the instruction booklet:
I Magic: Isis
The great Egyptian fertility goddess Isis is a potent symbol of the alchemic transformation suggested by this card. She alone was the possessor of the secret name Ra, the Egyptian ruling god, giving her unlimited magical powers.
Meaning: A growing awareness of the magic within yourself. A yearning to grow beyond perceived limitations. You are able to transform your life through the strength of your originality and power – all you need to do is own it. Renewed, creativity and vigor. Reversed: A need to control. Secrecy.

Princess of Pentacles
Seductive and sweetly perfumed, the Princess of Pentacles offers all of life bounties. To process them, though, desire is not enough – Constructive action must be taken.
Meaning: The ability to create opportunities for growth and beauty. A woman who personifies these forces. The ability to work hard to create prosperity. Reversed: Inertia or laziness, not taking action or responsibilities. Over sensuality.

Six of Swords
The woman is traveling in a boat to a better place. She has gathered six swords to take with her; these symbolise the new clarity and wisdom she processes, which will be used in her new life.
Meanings: New knowledge that helps one to move beyond current limitations. The lessening of difficulties. Travel. Reversed: More understanding of the situation is needed before it can change. Delays in departure,travel.

The Goddess Tarot is a connection to working with feminine energy and offers nurturing and serene encouragement to anyone seeking clarity on their spiritual journey.

Review by abatha deborah
© 2011 abatha deborah 

Illustrations from THE GODDESS TAROT used with permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT USA. Copyright 1997 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. ISBN: 978-1-57281-066-2
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