Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Golden Dawn Spread - Thoth lwb

Reading three cards at a time gives a lot more insight into a situation. The middle card is the main message and the outer cards offer more information. 

This spread gives a very broad and clear view into a situation.

[13] [9] [5]         [4] [8] [12]


[14] [10] [6]        [7] [11] [15]

CARD 1: Querent / The nature of the situation

CARD 2 & 3: In conjunction with CARD 1 are key cards describing nature of situation / querent's personality. 

CARDS 13,9,5 and CARDS 4,8,12
- Upper left and right cards indicate two possible futures.
- If compliment each other, the cards on upper left are the development of the cards on the upper right.
- If they are in conflict, then the upper right may be considered the natural flow of the querent's life unless action is taken to change this course. If so the cards on the left would then be possibilities of alternative action.

(NOTE: I've found while using this spread that my intuition changed the layout slightly. To me - The upper right is present and upper left is the way the present is unfolding into the future.)

CARDS 14,10,6: 
-Indicate the psychological basis and implications of the issue.
-Aid the querent in making decisions if necessary.

CARDS 7,11,15: 
-Show forces operating out of the querent's control - karma/destiny - in which the querent can adapt.

Read the spread as a whole and see what suits are more dominate and if any links between the positions of the cards.

Princes and Queens can indicate actual people connected to the matter. Knights may mean the coming or going of matter, or arrival / departure, depending on the direction in which they face. Princesses may show ideas, thought or opinions related to the subject.
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