Friday, August 19, 2011


The Tarot Of The Cat People is a beautiful deck with bold images, detailed patterns and eastern tones. The subtlety in the illustrations captures the nuances of mood and situations.

- Traditional deck of 78 cards
- Cats are displayed on each card as living animals and appear in the backgrounds as sculptures, architecture,
  clothing and accessories. The cat images, body language and their expressions
  portray further details into the message of the card.

Major Arcana
- The cards have traditional tarot titles
- XX Judgement title has been changed to Rejuvenation
Each card:
- displays the Roman numeral and the title on the bottom of the card

Pip Cards
- Display illustrated scenes and suit symbols
Each card
- displays the number and suit on the bottom of the card

Court Cards
- Page, Knight, Queen and King
- displays the title and suit on bottom of card

- Swords / Wands / Cups / Pentacles
- Colour coded within the images

The Tarot Of The Cat People has a detailed illustrated instruction booklet which explains the 5 Kingdoms within the Outer Regions and gives the description, divinatory meaning and reversed meaning for each card. It also includes a Celtic Cross spread. 


Cats are symbolic for mysteries, instinctual knowledge and the shadow aspects of self and situations - this comes through in the cards leading to profound clarity in readings.

The Tarot Of The Cat People is easy to read as it is very expressive. Beginner and advanced readers alike would appreciate this deck.

Review by abatha deborah
© 2011 abatha deborah

Illustrations from TAROT OF THE CAT PEOPLE used with permission of U. S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT USA. Copyright 1985 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. ISBN: 978-0-88079-078-9
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