Tarot Glossary

ABOVE: Heaven, God
ABYSS: Womb of the earth, subconscious
ACE: Gift, new consciousness
ACORN: Fertility, spiritual growth
ADAM: Humanity, earth life
Rules mind, spirit, masculine element, breath of life, speech
AKASHA: Record of experiences, karma
ALLIGATOR: Connected with water, serpents, creative visions and strength
ANGEL: Hidden forces, heavenly messages

Raphael - super conscious, angel of air, healer, charity
Michael – angel of fire and sun, protection
Gabriel - angel of water, calls to God, strength
ANIMALS: Five senses, emotions, desires, instincts
A symbol of life, associated with the Phallus
Also known as the Crux Ansata
Formed from the male (Osiris) and female (Isis) symbols
Union of heaven and earth, masculine and feminine
A key for unlocking the mysteries of life
With eagle - freedom from bondage
APPLE: Earthly desires, fruitfulness, ripeness, nourishment
APPLE TREE: Tree of Knowledge
ARCH: A new life or beginning, fresh insights, a birth portal
ARMOR: Protection, defensiveness
ARROW: Direct will, the rays of the Sun,thoughts, messages
ASH: Rebirth, letting go of the ego, transform
AURA: Energy, force field around the body
AURABORA: Enlightenment, purity of thought, promise of peace
BAT: Wings – Underworld, shadow self, hidden / repressed desires, rebirth
BATTLEMENTS: struggles, gateway to beyond
BEARD: Masculinity, strength
White Beard - age and wisdom
BEES: Visions and perception, Order, sociability, royalty, wealth, the soul
BELOW: Earth, human desires, earthly ways
BELLS: Cosmic harmonies, The connection between heaven and earth, water symbol
BELT: Limitation, time, a vow, initiation
Girding the Loins - preparation of a task or journey
BIRD: Messengers, freedom, spirit of air, ideas, possibilities
BLINDFOLD: Not focused on materialism, inner vision, faith, blind to reality
BLOOD: Life, vital power, energy
BOAT: A personal journey or progress through life.The relationship of conscious to unconscious, adventure, moving away from past, travel, rescue
BOAZ & JACHIN: Pillars which according to tradition stood at either end of the Temple Veil in Jerusalem before the destruction of the Temple and the Jewish captivity in Babylon. They represent severity and mercy  or matter and spirit
BOOK: Record of truth, measure of time, memories, akasha, Torah
Knowledge, wisdom
BREAD: Flesh, the body, life substance
BREATH: Ego, solar and lunar energies, inspiration, spirit, life
BRIDGE: The threshold between two realms, The ability to overcome and move forward from situation
BULL: Sign of Taurus, the element of Earth, masculine, stability, strength and power
BUTTERFLY: Element of air, transformation, temporariness, lightness of being
CADUCEUS: Moral balance, healing energies, two entwined serpents indicate sickness and health, Kundalini
CANDLESTICK: Seven candles, chakras, spine
CANOPY: Protection, mind
CAT: Sensuality, passion, grace, perception, intuition, hidden aspects
Black Cat - shadows of self
CAVE: Journey into the unknown
CHAIN: Restrictions, limitations, boundaries
CHALICE: The Cup of Life, the Grail, A female symbol, open, receptive
CHARIOT: Human personality, which can be a vehicle for the expression of self, movement
CHILD: Innocence, joy, curiosity, simplicity, potential
CIRCLE: Spirit, eternity, circles of manifestation, wholeness, perfection, heaven, The Sun, The Moon, self contained.
CIRCLE in a SQUARE: The unity within the Quaternary of elements, the Freemasonry concept of "Squaring the Circle."
CITY: Security, society, support
CLOUDS: The changing natures of the mind, thoughts
CLOVER: Domestic virtue and good luck, trinity
COLORS: Black – mystery, unknown, shadows of self, hidden aspects, rebirth
Blue - peace, life, intuition, subconscious mind, emotions, expression, communication

Brown - Earth, grounding, honesty
Gold - enlightenment, soul power
Green - healing, growth, earth, abundance, stability
Grey - balance of opposites, neutrality or uncertainty
Purple – enlightenment, luxury, psychic energies, imagination, spirituality
Red - courage, vitality, passion, action, energy, action, desires, ego
Silver - magnetic, mystical, protection
White - truth, perfection, purity, rebirth, unity, source of all things
Yellow - knowledge, intellect, will power, emotional intelligence, harmony, happiness

COSMIC LEMNISCATE: A symbol of eternal life and dominion
Harmonious interaction of the conscious and subconscious, idea and feeling, desire and emotion
CRAB: The sign of Cancer, The fertilizing power of water, materialization of emotions
CRAYFISH: Unconscious mind, the early stages of unfolding, primordial and primitive, triggers journey
CROSS: Solar cross - with equal arms indicates union of male (positive) and female (negative), union with God, balanced energy
Triple cross - intellectual and physical worlds, divine, generative power
CROSSED CIRCLES: The Golden Dawn used the crossed circle to represent CHOKMAH
CROSSED KEYS: Silver and gold representing the lunar and solar currents of energy
CROSSED SWORDS: Fighting, battle, hardship
CROWN: Mastery, attainment, royal status, divinity, priesthood, creativity, the formative and material word, may be set against the cosmic purpose
Triple Crown - The Three Worlds: Heaven, Hell and Earth
CRYSTAL: Healing, insight, clarity
CUBE: The square in three dimensions, Earth, order and measurement, that which was, is and shall be, material manifestation, physical world
Half Cube - only the visual sensory side of reality is being seen
CUPID: Choice
CUPS: Symbol of knowledge and preservation, love, pleasure and enjoyment, associated with water
Silver - the subconscious
Gold - the conscious
CUIRASS: The protective power of creative imagination
CYPRESS TREE: Sacred to Venus, wisdom, Chokmah
DANCER: Rhythm, attainment, victory, celebration
DECAGRAM: A ten-pointed star
Unity, spiritual achievement, death, perfection, or totality (of the self, the Universe)
DESERT: Lack of substance or life, emptiness
DIAMOND: Wealth, clarity in thoughts
DOG: Guardian, loyalty, companion to man, helper, domestication, the, conscious
DOLPHIN: Joy, gentleness, intelligence, playful, intuition
DOOR: Portal, entrance, new opportunity
DOVE: Peace, Holy Spirit, bird of Venus, eternal love
EAGLE: Higher thought power, aspiration, hope, expansive, masculine, strength Bridge between heaven and earth. 
Concrete physical manifestation, feminine and frequently maternal
EAST: Within, hidden, interior
EDEN: Paradise, solar plexus
EGG: Immortality and resurrection, the cosmic egg is the world egg, containing all levels of creation, ideas, seed forms
The Egg with the Serpent around it - wisdom producing or nursing life
With wings - spiritual life or life ascending
EVE: Feminine principle, receptivity, soul, feeling
EYE: Open – awareness
Closed- inward looking
FALCON: Swiftness, strength, wisdom, clear sight
FAN: Related to the Moon, a symbol of power or authority as well as of air, wind and the celestial kingdoms
FEATHER: Wind, air and freedom
FEET: Support, progress, comprehension, One in water, the other on land – union of opposites
FEMALE: The subconscious mind
FENCE: Limitation
FIELD: Substance, space for growth, potential
Cosmic lemniscates, harmonious interaction between conscious and subconscious, between life and feeling, desire and emotion, dominion over the material, eternal life
Element of Fire, action, purification, renewal
FISH: Symbol of ordination of dedication to spiritual service, creativity, increase, ideas Universal subconscious. Arising from one's own subconscious, idea or thought
FIXED SIGNS: Fixed conditions in the mind or on earth
FLAME: Spirit, action
FLOWERS: Spiritual thoughts, love, happiness, fertility, essence, growth
FLYING: Telepathy, messengers, mental thoughts
FOUNTAIN: Peace, rest, spiritual strength or nourishment, the Water of Life (Inner Life, Celestial Life or Eternal Life) coming forth in abundance to give strength
FRANKINCENSE: Consecration, spirituality, love
GARDEN: Solar plexus, substance, Earth, sub-consciousness, abundance, growth
GATE: The meanings of door or window with the additional connotation of keeping the wild and unfamiliar out and the tame and known in, new path
GENTILES: Worldly thoughts
GLOBE: Cosmic egg, universe, travel, worldly
Winged Globe - transcendence, knowledge
GOAT: Capricorn, linked to Pan, playful, trickster
GOLD: Metal of the sun
GRAPES: Pleasure, abundance, life, celebration
HALO: Auric egg, spiritual force, light of truth, radiance
HAWK: The soul
HAND: Right - positive, masculine
Left - negative, feminine
HEAD: Crown, place of intellect, mind
HEART: Any symbol in the shape of a heart represents sub conscious, emotions and seat of judgment
Pierced with an Arrow - conjunction, painful emotions
HEIGHTS: Spiritual ascendancy
HERMAPHRODITE: Union of opposites, complete
HERMIT: Inner teacher, higher self
HEXAGON: Six-sided geometrical figure
HEXAGRAM: Six-pointed Star, the Shield of Solomon
Magical power, witchcraft, union of the triangles of water and fire, a hermaphroditic symbol, the human soul perfected
HIPPOGRIFF: A composite mythological animal formed from a Gryphon (Head of an Eagle, body and hind quarters of a Lion) and a Horse
Union of Fire (Lion) Earth (Horse) and Air (Eagle
HOLLY: masculine
HORNS: Penetrating, strength
HORSE: Vitality,, controlled, harness element and put in force to move forward
Winged - Solar power, intellect
HORUS's EYE Formulate ideas
HOURGLASS: Time passing, but also relates to the lemniscate, an hourglass on its side, which is a symbol of infinite time
IBIS: Vigilance, immortal life, thought, the mind
ICE: Frozen mental attitude
IRIS: Greek goddess of the rainbow, A flower sacred to the sun, feminine
JACHIN & BOAZ : Pillars which according to tradition stood at either end of the Temple Veil in Jerusalem before the destruction of the Temple and the Jewish captivity in Babylon
They represent severity and mercy  or matter and spirit
JACKAL: Untamed, wild selves, excess of passion and uncontrolled emotions, desires
JESTER: The court fool
JEWELS: Love and wisdom, wealth, richness
KEYS: That which opens, frees, allows and (conversely) closes, imprisons and forbids, open of the mysteries
Crossed Keys - A symbol of the Pope and of Papal Authority, Keys of St. Peter, hidden doctrine, one silver and one gold meaning solar and lunar current in radiant energy
KUNDALINI: Seven chakras rising up the spine, serpent fire
LADDER: Climbing ropes, beanstalks or pine trees the variants are many and the meaning usually the same: a vertical bridge between Heaven and Earth, leading to perfection, kundalini, roadway to the gods
LAMB: Intellect, loving, obedience
LAME: Lacking understanding or progress, disabled thoughts
LAMP: Intelligence, spiritual light, light center in the heart
LANTERN: Light of intellect, search for truth, a seeker, a lost one
LAUREL WREATH: Symbol of victory, accomplishments, the journey is circular
LEAD: Labour, responsibility, metal of Saturn
LEAFLESS TREE: Trefoil flames of the 12 sings of the zodiac, each divided into three decans, The tree of life
LEAVES: Vitality, growth
LEFT: Sinister (Latin for left) and sneakiness
LEFT SIDE OF THE BODY: Female, receptive, past, subconscious mind
LEMNISCATE: A Figure 8 on its side, Infinity in Mathematics and Eternity or Infinity in occult studies
LIGHTING: Masculine, positive
LIGHTING FLASH: Revelation, divine power, shock, truth, reality, inspiration, life power
LILY: Purified thoughts and spiritual development, purity of thought and actions
LINGAM and YONI: Male/female, procreation,pleasure
LION: Fire element, the Sun, Mars, power, action, courage, desire, primal self, pride, nobility, individuality.
LIZARD: Wisdom, silence
LOTUS: Divine knowledge, mystic center, crown chakra, purity, peace, evolution, the intersection of Heaven and Earth, the Universe, the completion of a created being into a single unified whole, union of opposites, broadened consciousness.
MALE: The conscious mind
MALTESE CROSS: The coming together of different forces
MANDALA: Circular symbol, simple order in creation, all thing move to or from the center
METALS: Gold, silver, mercury, lead, copper, tin, iron, refers to the planets
MIRROR: Judgment, reflection, seeing beyond
MIRROR of VENUS: Solar cross surmounted by a circle, symbol of planet Venus, indicates fertility
MONKEY: Thoth – Wisdom, curiosity, mischief
MOON: Feminine astrological symbol of personality, subconscious mind, reflected light of subconscious, fruitfulness, generosity, female cycles, inner knowing, renewal.
MOUNTAINS: Challenges, overcoming obstacles, realization, path leading to the heights, abstract thought, journey
MOUTH: Communication, consciousness expressed
NORTH: Darkness, unknown, ignorance, hidden
NORTHEAST: The direction of the unknown
NUDITY: Truth, natural, innocence
NUMBERS: 0 -Infinity, beginning and end, journey, eternal energy, super consciousness, free from limitation
1- Masculine, the seed, birth,initiation, individuality, related to the sun, fire and action.
2. Partnership, duality, attraction and union of opposites, yin yang, unity through knowledge of contrasts, separation and reconciliation, life giving maternal energy, imagination, reflection, intuition.Associated with water and Moon
3 - Child, creation from 1 and 2, mother and father. Expansion in life, breath, creativity, expression, communication (speaking) Associated with Air and Jupiter.
4. Material world. Solid. Square and cube. Organization. 4 human functions – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. 4 points – North, East, South, West. Associated with Earth and The Earth.
5. Active, inventive creative, flexible, freedom and information. Associated Ether and Mercury.
6. Number of days in creation, 6 point star representing humanity and God. Art and service.  Associated with Earth and Venus.
7. Visible planets, days of the week, day of rest, colours of the rainbow, chakras, 7 branches of the menorah, the sacred Hebrew candelabrum. Dreams, and meanings of life. Associated with Air and Neptune.
8. Cube, 3 dimensional material world with fourth dimension of time. Symbol of eternity. Will and power. Associated with Water and Saturn
9.Completion and endings, final turn of the wheel of fortune before it starts a new cycle. Highest single number, most refined and developed. Action, Associated with Fire and Mars.
OCTAGON: A symbol of regeneration, it is mid-way between the square and the circle (Terrestrial and celestial order) As a geometric figure it is derived from the octagram. Totality, regeneration, rebirth.
OCTAGRAM: An eight-pointed Star, frequently employs a pair of implied Greek Crosses in its structure, therefore combines the meanings of Cross and Star
The Cross is symbolic of balance between opposites and a Fire symbol
The Star is significant of the forces of the Spirit fighting against darkness and of the Collective Unconscious
  Equilibriumof opposing forces of destruction
OIL: Love, plenty, peace, vital fluid, illumination, spirit
OVAL: Horizontal - A halo, symbol of Godhood on Earth
Vertical - The Egg, Creation
OWL: Wisdom, knowledge
OX: Strong, patient, self-sacrificing
PAPAL TRIPLE CROWN: The lower trefoil design represents the lower material world. The middle represents the formative world. The top tier represents the creative world
PATH: States of becoming, steps to the heights, spiritual attainments, esoteric knowledge, journey
PEACOCK: Immortality, the immortal soul, twilight, the night stars, psychic duality nurtured by unity
PEARLS: Wisdom, the soul, combination of fire and water, associated with the Moon
PENTACLE: The suit Pentacles in the Tarot is made up of three elements: the Circle, Pentagram, and Coin.
PENTAGON: The Geometric figure derived from the Pentagram, the significance of the Star but is directly 'physical' in its effects, the binding or confining of a kind of physical power
PENTAGRAM: The prime symbol for power confined or constrained, Earth and Heaven combinedThe seal of Solomon, five pointed star, symbol of the world made flesh, expressing mind's domination over the elements, represents order or confusion depending on the direction of its points, figure of man, relates to Hierophant.Inverted - earth, the material
PHOENIX: Grace, rising from the ashes of experience, transformation
PILLAR: Duality, support, firm, Earth connecting men and everything below with Gods and all that is above
- positive aspect of life, light, Jachin, principle inherent in all things, mercy
Black - inertia, darkness, Boaz, negation of activity, severity
POMEGRANATE: Female seeds, goddess, fertility, sexuality, secret knowledge, rebirth
POOL: Womb, substance, receptivity, female symbol
PRECIPICE: Stepping down from spiritual heights to physical manifestation
PURPLE: Spirituality, penitence, and forgiveness
PYRAMID: Earth in the material aspect, triangular shaped face of the pyramid suggests the threefold principle of creation, Eternal. Guided by the star Sirius.
RABBIT: Fertility, associated with the Moon
RAINBOW: Sign of good fortune, perfection, possibilities, bridge of heaven and earth, spiritual and manifest, broad spectrum
RAM: Assertive, noble, physically strong, will power, leadership, symbol of Aries.
RIGHT SIDE OF THE BODY: Male, out going, future, aware, conscious mind
ROCKS Challenges, inflexible
ROD: Mastery, discipline
ROSE: Heart, perfection, passion
ROTA: Royal road, wheel, karma
SALAMANDER: Fire element, able to live in midst of fire
SCALES: Balanced judgment, equilibrium, the symbol of Libra
SCEPTER: Related to all of the following: Cross, wand, club, thunderbolt, sword, phallus, Thor's hammer and the arrow
Straightforward Earthly power is its main implication, fertility or implied physical force
SCROLL: Akasha, hidden mysteries, divine law, past events impressed upon the subconscious
SEA: All potentials, universal principles
SERPENT: Symbol of wisdom, secrecy, serpent biting its tail represents the law of endless transformation, infinity and eternity. Radiant energy descending into manifestation, consciousness, desire
SHELL: 'Good luck' scallops that were carried on pilgrimages
SHOES: One's understanding
SILVER: Metal of the moon
SIX: Symbolic of the union between Fire and Water and therefore of the human soul, ambivalence and effort, the cessation of effort.
SKIRT: When divided into eight parts, each decorated with geomantic symbols  it represent dominion over terrestrial forces
SNAKE: Feminine, wisdom, bringer of knowledge, magical power, cunning, transmutation, end is the beginning.
Two Headed Snake - conflict between equals
SOLAR CROSS: Solar symbol of balance of forces
SPHERE: Rotation, cyclic, creative motion, perfection, Sun, Moon
SPHINX: Ancient wisdom holds the riddle of human existence, guardian of the temple, gatekeeper of hidden mysteries. Made up of four primary astrological signs; man, bull, lion and eagle.
SPIRAL: Source of life, rising in consciousness, creative force
SPOKES: Universal radiant energy
SQUARE: Limitation, solidity of Earth, foundation, stability
ST. ANDREW'S CROSS: A cross in the form of the Greek Letter 'X', the union of the upper and lower worlds
STAFF: Sign of power, authority, journeying Raised Power of mind
STAIRS: Rising to a higher state of consciousness
STARS: Sixth sign of the Zodiac, spirit, truth, guiding light
Five-pointed - star of the Magi, symbol of man
Six-pointed - shield of Solomon, magical power, union of the elements, human soul perfected, dominion over the laws of the great world
Seven-pointed - mysticism, wisdom, spirituality
Eight-pointed - radiant cosmic energy, power and material success
In sevens - the seven main Chakra points of the body, or the seven ancient planets
Fifteen-pointed - symbolic of Spirit, 15 is associated with the Devil and of a markedly erotic nature
Sixteen-pointed - Stars tend to indicate their proximity to God or Heaven by the number of points which they have, this Star is closer to God than a four-pointed Star
STONE: Conscious union with truth on the physical plane, challenges
STREAM: Thought currents, sub-consciousness, forever flowing of consciousness, past
SUN: Source of light, radiant energy, life giving, immortality
Sun in Glory - sun with rays at the Cardinal and Ordinal points, symbolizes the majesty of the sun and its power
SUNFLOWER: Sacred to the sun, glowing energy, vitality, happiness
SWORD: Protection, knowledge, mind, constructive or destructive activity, elimination of outworn forms, bravery, freedom
Upward - victory
Double edged - action destroys as well as builds, and the false must be cut away from the true
Broken Blade - As a symbol of manhood, the broken blade represents castration. As a symbol of bravery and freedom, the broken sword symbolizes fear and imprisonment
SQUASH(Garden Vegetables) Harvest, celebration or working towards the harvest
TAILS: Animal aspects of self
TAU CROSS: Cross in the form of the letter 'T' or Tau, also called St. Anthony's Cross or the Egyptian Cross, external life
TEMPLE: House of God, body, self
TEN: Perfection, beginning a new cycle, completion, over completion, decadence, death
TENT: Temporary structure, transitory building
THIRD EYE: The stone, clairvoyance, golden flower
THRESHOLD: Entering new way, crossing
THROAT: Desire, Venus center, speech
THUMBS: Ability, will, practical
THUNDERBOLT: lighting flash, celestial fire, sudden change / realisation
TOMB: Peaceful rest, opportunity for renewal, rebirth
TORA: Wisdom, in the Jewish religion the Law, specifically the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Sinai and written in letters of black fire on skins of white fire. Personification of the Law, a Woman or Angel, who intercedes twice for mankind
TOWER: Human thoughts, personality, misapprehension, personal isolation, Two Towers – Gateways, choices, decisions
TREE: Sheltering, strength, nourishing, spine, regeneration
Evergreen - everlasting
Fir - elevation, nobility
Oak - strength, integrity, honour
Olive - passion
Palm - healing, victory, help
Pine - humanities
Conscious choice of knowledge and the transformations and separations that inevitably follow.
TREE OF LIFE: A diagram of Creation showing the Divine manifesting itself downward to the lowest levels of existence and back upward again. In Kabbalistic interpretations of the Tarot each card is related to one of the 10 points on the Tree or to one of the 20 Paths which connect the points
Nerves, spinal column, masculine, roots, centered solar plexus, absolute life principle, spiritual point of balance, secret of immortality, to ultimately attain completion and eat the fruit growing in the illusionary garden of worldly things
TRIANGLE: Threefold nature of the universe
Pointing Upward - a sign of Fire, male, life, spiritual
Pointing Downward - a sign for Water, feminine, receptive, lunar
Pointing Left – movement from passive to active
pointing Right – movement: active towards inner
Triangle of Spirit - Points upward, often from within a square, the three of the triangle added to the four of the square add up to seven
TRIPLE CROSS: The Pope's vicarage over Heaven, Earth and Hell
TRIPLE CROWN: The Three Worlds, knowledge and wisdom
TRIPLE STAFF: Spirit, soul and body
TRUMPET: Power of sound, Trumpet blast - the creative word that liberates man from material limitations
UNICORN: Innocence, moral purity, mystery
URNS: Temporary containers, life fluid
Silver - soul, feminine
Gold - spirit, masculine
URIM and THUMMIN: Truth, perfection, revelation, light
VALLEY: Field of experience, opportunities, potential
VASES: Transformation, astral fluid, womb
VEIL: Cover for hidden mysteries, illusions, self deceit, gateway to the other side
VINE: Abundance, wisdom, life
WAND: Will and magical power, continual renewal of life, phallic significance
In a pair - the powers of involution and evolution
WALL: Man made limitation, boundaries, security
Universal substance, subconscious, cleansing, emotions, manifested, purification, intuition, receptivity and the subconscious
Five rivulets - the five senses

Calm water - calm emotions, reflection, Flowing Water– free flowing emotions, sharing and expression emotions, Turbulent Water – emotion disharmony
WATER LILIES: Eternal life
WEST: Past, solar plexus
WHEAT: Fertility, wholesomeness, death/rebirth of seasons
WHEEL: Cycles, motion, chakras, whole cycle of cosmic expression, the Sun and its motion and power, change through choice
Eight Spokes, Eight Pointed Star - the channels of universal radiant energy, spirit, a fifth element
Center or Pivot - the archetypal or thought world
Inner Circle - creative
Middle - formative
Outer - material
WINDOW: The going in and coming out of the mind, soul and spirit, “mind over matter”
Meaning affected by the number of panes and shape
Square - established order
WINE: Vitality in soul and body, life, spirit, blood
WINGED DISK: Inspiration
WINGS: Free from material limitations, flight into the unknown, power to transend.
WOLF: Destructive and untamed consciousness, the manifestations of nature before man tamed and civilized them, the conscious
WORLD: Archetypal - ideal, creative, formative, Travel, Matter - Earth
WREATH: Attainment, spiritual, force of nature, praise, victory, the kingdom of growing things, success, acquired wisdom
Forming an 'O', unity and eternity
Y: Three in one, three paths
YOD: Drops of light, dew from heaven, the descent of spirit, Hebrew letter symbolizing the hands, betokens power, skill, dexterity
Blessings, small sparks of fire, leaves or droplets of water
Life force from above
YOKE: Two paths, male/female, yoga
ZODIAC: Characteristics of humanity, symbols of the cycles of existence
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